Dutch supermarkets use HERO images to showcase important aspects of their products on their websites. These images are displayed in a small size and are used to highlight key features of the product. Maza and Hansel are clients that use these images.
To create these HERO images for Dutch supermarkets, the following specifications must be met:
- The images must have a 1:1 or 2:3 ratio with a margin of 2.5%.
- use font Boton for Maza and font Din for Hansel, with variations in light, bold, and regular.
- Shape text so it looks like it is on the product
- Font size etc see images below.
- The background must be removed, and the edges of the product and food should be refined.
- All text from the original label must be removed and replaced with the brand, weight, “serveertip” and product name (a list will be provided).
- The ingredients must be sized bigger
- the Brand Maza and Hansel must be resized bigger.
When sending the files back to us, please provide them in the following formats:
- PSD files with all layers intact and the text left as text (not converted to contour), no BG see layers image.
- TIFF files with only one layer and a transparent background.
Dutch supermarket